Maynooth Scouts are running an ‘Everest challenge’ on St Patricks day,17th March in the main square in Maynooth. The event will involve climbing the height of Mt. Everest (8848m, or 29029 feet for the non metric types) on a four sided 20 foot rockclimbing tower (that’s 1452 climbs in total!).
The group is in the process raising funds to renovate the Geraldine hall into a dedicated scout centre for the community, the first dedicated home Scouting in Maynooth will have in its 37 year history (see here for a mock-up) For anyone wanting to take part, there are sponsorship cards available from the maynooth scout group (email or there is a fee of €5 on the day for as many climbs of the wall as you want!
The climb will begin at 8am and we hope to be finished by about 4 or 5pm, the climb will be accompanied by tea, coffee and various other refreshments,and some local musicians will be providing entertainment at different stages during the day. The Maynooth parade will march past aswell as we are climbing and there should be a great view of it from the top of the tower!
8th Kildare Maynooth Scouts /