Maynooth Scouts

Serving our Community

Have we found a new Emblem?

With the count-down to National Council ’07 well underway, the hard working Emblem working group have released several proposals from all parts of the organisation (from cubs to leaders) to choose from. For those not in the know, we currently don’t have an emblem (except if you count the international scout symbol) for our organisation. The SI logo is our “commercial” face to the outside world, and can be changed to suit current thinking. The emblem is meant to be timeless and embody something of who we are. The following are the proposals with an explanation of what they represent:

Option 1: This design is based on a knotted rope that forms the shape of a shamrock. The knot is a friendship knot (also known as a square knot). The interlacing of the knot is somewhat Celtic in style too.

Option 2: This option incorporates two elements of the former association’s emblems; the Celtic knot from the SAI – now also representing Scouting – and the shamrock from the CSI – now representing Ireland. Both elements are redrawn with equal weighting for each and merged together to form the central piece of this emblem. They are then held together as one in a symbolic neckerchief /cupped hands.

Option 3: A shamrock representing Ireland centred over a distinctive fleur-de-lis to represent Scouting. The proposal is not overstylised to give a sense of being timeless. The proposal will work well in a one or multiple colours.

Option 4 is a neckerchief containing a modern slant on the Harp. These 2 symbols represent Irish Scouting.

Option Five is based on a redrawing of the fleur-de-lis inspired by Celtic swirls to give it an Irish touch. It is drawn in a way that is not overcomplicated but still not too simplified to lose the sense of timlessness associated with an emblem.

Option 6: While the purpose of the emblem is not to replace the logo (which will continue to be used as the logo no matter what is chosen as our emblem) the idea behind this option is to also have this design as the emblem. There would be no difference between where we would use the emblem – such as on the items mentioned above – and the logo.

Option 7: This design draws inspiration from Ireland’s ancient Celtic heritage and our proud scouting tradition. It is formed from a simple Celtic knot which has no beginning or end, signifying continuity and equality in scouting and our sense of Irishness. It is intertwined with the WOSM rope, with the Fleur De Lis at its centre, showing our close relationship with the wider scouting community.

The colour of our site background does them no justice, so for a better look click on a picture OR check out the poster in pdf format here:

Whats your opinion? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

8th Kildare Maynooth Scouts /