Donadea day fun

The regular visitors to Donadea forest Park looked on in amazement at the activities of the Beavers and Cubs that were taking part in a backwoods activity day on Sunday last. They may have been wondering the meaning of the cryptic symbols made from sticks and stones left by teams of cubs and how easily the chasing teams deciphered and followed them during the track and trail activities or the purpose of the sleeping shelters constructed by the Beavers. But there was no confusion on the part of the Maynooth Beavers and Cubs, as they went about proving their knowledge of outdoor survival skills.
Both groups cooked their lunch outdoors, the beavers making hobo stew and baked potatoes over an open fire using only tinfoil, and the Cubs cooking chicken in specially constructed cardboard-box ovens. There was no doubt that these scouts knew their stuff!
The day ended with a joint investiture ceremony, where the new Beavers, Cubs and Leaders officially became members of the association and were presented with their green and sky-blue Maynooth neckerchiefs. All to the delight of the parents and families that came to watch. A great day was had by all.


8th Kildare Maynooth Scouts /