When a Child joins the Cub Scout section they follow the same Scouting path as the Beaver Scouts called ONE Programme. They don’t have to have been in Beaver Scouts but it helps. A Cub Scout learns about the Scouting Method of team learning in the out doors with the embedded service orientated values.

While the path and the methods are the same as Beaver Scouts the responsibility is increased. Beavers may go camping and hiking but in Cub Scouts that is at a challenging level for the Cubs. Our Scouter team keep update with their skills and can tell you more if you want to contact them at: cubs at maynoothscouts.ie

What we’ve been doing

  • Cub scouts in the woods!
    On the 16th March, the cub scouts braved the weather to develop their survival skills. 12 cub scouts spent the day in Donadea Woods working on the shelter building, fire lighting and backwoods cooking skills. Despite the weather being wet and cold the cub scouts stayed motivated and enthusiastic about… Read more: Cub scouts in the woods!
  • Cub Hike October 2018
  • Beaver National Camp photos
    One of our Cub Scouts was helping out at the Beaver National Camp and as part of a project recorded the fun and activity in photos. He put together this slideshow of the weekend to present to the Cubs last night. It looks like it was great fun! — 8th… Read more: Beaver National Camp photos
  • Donadea day fun
    The regular visitors to Donadea forest Park looked on in amazement at the activities of the Beavers and Cubs that were taking part in a backwoods activity day on Sunday last. They may have been wondering the meaning of the cryptic symbols made from sticks and stones left by teams… Read more: Donadea day fun
  • Cuboree was Magic!
    The Maynooth Cubs joined Cubs from all over the Country at Cuboree. The June Bank Holiday weekend was full of Witches, Wizards and Warlocks in our Cub trip to Pallaskenry in Limerick. — 8th Kildare Maynooth Scouts / www.maynoothscouts.org